To enable automated reporting to CE Broker you will need to add your license number to your CEUFast account. To do this, log in to your account and click on the "Edit Profile" link towards the top left of your My Account page (under your name). Scroll down the page to the "My Licenses" section and click the tan "Add License" button. Enter your license information and click the green "Add License" button. When you have successfully enabled reporting for your license with CE Broker, your license number will appear on your My Account page accompanied by a green check mark and a validation message beside it. If you receive a message that your license was not validated, please verify that your license information was entered correctly. Also the first and last name on your CEUFast account must match the first and last name on file with CE Broker for your license information to be validated.

Once your license has been enabled on your account, if you have an active subscription, your credits will be automatically submitted to CE Broker.

Please Note: Only contact hours are submitted to CE Broker. In-service hours and competency tests are not reported to to CE Broker and will not be displayed in your CE Broker records.